Please don’t drink and drive.

At lunch today, my fortune cookie said “You will have many friends when you need them”. That couldn’t be more true today. The kind words I received today in emails, twitters, facebook comments and text messages really meant a lot.

Last night around 2:30am Tim and I were woken up by knocking on our door. My poor car had been hit by a drunk driver while it was parked on our street. He hit it with such force that it completely flipped my SUV. The driver (who I found out has multiple DUI convictions and was driving on a suspended license) was coming from a bar, hit my car, possibly rolled his as well and went home to bed. Hit and run. Thankfully he left a ton of clues behind at the scene (ATM statement, baby shower invite, hats and his headlight) and was arrested about an hour later.

No one was injured, we were asleep when it happened.  He may be injured but he was well enough to drive away.

This was what we walked out to find.  The debris in the front of the photo is from his Titan.


Here you can see the cement retaining wall that my car got smashed in to.  Luckily it barely missed the utility box!


Here is the tow truck tipping the car back on 4 (brand new, two week old, expensive) tires.


The major damage, where he hit the car.



Well, that is that.  Now I am playing the waiting game on his insurance company to get a statement when he is released from jail.  I am still pretty shaken up by this whole ordeal.

  1. Danielle on

    Sweetie – I’m so thankful that nobody was hurt. After going through DUI incidents with family members and myself, it is going to be tough, but we are all here for you! Let me know if I can do anything for you from LA! Look on the bright side, car shopping can be fun, right?

  2. Thank god you guys were not hurt. This seriously sucks though, I am so sorry!

  3. O…M…G!!! this is CRAZY!!!!! when everything settles down I have a lil story to share with ya about when I found out about me and I’ll tell ya!! hang in there! :O)

  4. amanda lynn on


  5. Aww Melissa.. I’m so sorry hun! How crazy. Thank god he didn’t hurt anyone with his recklessness, but your poor car!


  6. Milisa on

    WOW! I am so glad you weren’t in it! Crazy that he just went home and went to bed! At least there is justice being done…this guy should be locked away for good!
    So sorry!

  7. Tina on

    HOLY CAR CRASH! WOW! I’m so thankful that you were not in that vehicle. Hope everything works out!

  8. conrad on

    holy cow!! glad to hear you guys are safe!

  9. Oh my. Glad your ok. Thats super crazy. I hope he gets what’s coming to him.

  10. Mel I am SOOO glad you guys were not physically hurt! I am so sorry this happened to you guys and so sad for your truck. But your safety is the important part. Sending you guys lots and lots of hugs. I know Im far away but if there is anything I can do, please let me know.

  11. Aaron on

    Crazy! Glad you are ok!

  12. nely on

    so glad no one got hurt and that he got caught! sorry about your car!

  13. that is so crazy!! I am so glad you are ok!! Wow!! Sending you huge hugs!!

  14. ann on

    When I first saw the pictures I thought —wow— were you in the car? Then I paused, read, and am so glad you were not! Seriously, no excuse for drinking and driving, NONE! Soooooooooo glad you all are OK, and hopefully the insurance thing won’t be a pain. xoxo

  15. Ivy on

    wow that’s krazy…
    good that you guys are ok .

  16. oh my god! i’m so glad neither of you were in the car. i actually had the same thing – literally (well, except the drunk driver couldn’t roll my sports car, but he sheared off the wheels next to the curb) – let me know if you need any help with ANYTHING!!

  17. Courtney on

    Wow! I couldn’t believe it when I heard it and now that I have seen it I am mortified. What if someone was in there? JERK!! I am so glad you guys are OK and weren’t in there!! Hugs, XOXO

  18. JennyW on

    I just cant get over that! I’m so sorry melissa! Im just so thankful you werent hurt! *hugs* i’m here if you need anything!

  19. I had my car scraped in when i was in PB.. but Holy COW!!!! I am so glad you are safe, wish you the best in dealing with all the extra hassle.

  20. What an unbelievable event Melissa. Glad you’re OK and you weren’t anywhere near the car when the guy crashed into it. Big hugs OOO.

  21. Lynn Solomita on

    In case you wondered – life is never as easy and fun as you hope it will be. However, there may be something in the McClure/Solomita genes that we need to worry about. Michele’s car was totaled by a drunk driver 3 days after her wedding. The car was parked on the street outside our house and we heard the crash. Nice appearing 20ish young lady was drunk as a skunk and walked away from her car into the waiting arms of the police officer who arrested her.

    As with Michele, you are both okay and that is what really matters – the rest of the stuff you will get through in time.

    Love, Lynn & Phil

  22. Cathy on

    I hate hearing about drunk drivers. How can people be so irresponsible?! At least you guys weren’t inside. So glad you’re safe from harm!

  23. Simeon on

    Whoa! Thats huge Mel! This really sucks! Hopefully they can lock this guy up long enough to keep someone from being killed! That is crazy! I can’t stop using exclamation points! Let me know if I can haul you guys anywhere or help in any way, I’m not too far.

  24. Lisa on

    Oh my gosh…your poor car.
    Thankfully you were no where near.
    Glad to hear you’re okay.

  25. Oh my gosh melissa that is so sad and horrible. I am so sorry that this happened to you. So glad you werent in the car when it happened and yah why is it that drunk ddrivers dont end up hurting themselves but others cars and even taking lives. Prayin for you.

  26. Wow! To say you are so blessed you guys weren’t in the car is an understatement. That is just flat out scary! he must have been driving seriously fast to do that! Ugh on the tires!!!! Best of luck getting everything worked out.

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