November 2007 Archive

Jenn + Jon

Jon and Jenn were married in September at the lovely Handlery Hotel in Mission Valley.

It was a daytime wedding, and after the reception everyone was invited back to their parents house for the after party! What a great idea for a day wedding!

Jenn has quite a few sisters that have all done the wedding thing already…
A family hankercheif, beaded bracelet from a neice and a medical tag (Jenn is a nurse!)

How cute were these flower girls?
And of course, the handsome ringbearer shouldn’t be left out!
(Photo by Jen Harris)
The beautiful bride:
The handsome groom:

Their family is very close, and very emotional!

Killing some time in the stairwell
Speech time:
Jon picked the cake out, Jenn never even saw it before today!

Father/Daughter Dance. I told you it was emotional!

This is probably one of my favorite shots of 2007:

Got Friday Night Plans?

Now you do!

The Ultimate Runway Fashion show featuring:Hair by Rylin Ashlee Salon, Children’s Apparel by Cool Beans Kids ,and Women’s Contemporary Fashion by Colette Boutique!

Colette Boutique Invites you to RSVP for up to 4 guests!
DATE:November 30th Friday
TIME: 4pm – 9pm
LOCATION:Colette Boutique

Entertainment, DJ, Refreshments and Food Provided by Killarney’s Pub,Speciality Jewelry Show, TONS of Drawings and Giveaway’s, On SiteFashion Photographer, Runway design by Victorian Rose Florist

Please RSVP by Nov 27th for you and up to 4 guests @
Colette Boutique 951-699-7766
Cool Beans Kids 951-587-2227
Rylin Ashlee 951-695-5575

Stop by and say hello to me, I will be photographing the event!

Happy Turkey Eating and Football Watching Day!

I’ve always loved Thanksgiving. Hanging out with cool family, eating awesome food and football during the week – what could be better than that!

I am so thankful for my family, my friends and my health. I hope all of you know how much I appreciate you even if I can’t find the words sometimes.

Last night, Tim and I stopped at KFC to grab a quick bite to eat. We were sitting in a booth enjoying our bisquits when two men walked in. I didn’t notice them since my back was to them but Tim was watching them the whole time.

When they parted ways Tim pointed out to me that one of the gentlemen was homeless and the other just bought him a hot meal. It warmed both of our hearts. We talked about how thoughtful that was and that more people should think that way on a daily basis.

After the meal, I went to wait in the car to make a phone call while Tim went back for another round of bisquits. From the car, I watched a different homeless man (I say man, but he couldn’t have been older than me) walk in the KFC to use the restroom.

Tim noticed him too, and while the man was in the bathroom, Tim ordered an extra meal for him. When he came out of the bathroom, Tim had it waiting for him. He was very thankful.

I hope everyone will find a random act of kindness to perform this holiday season and even after the holiday’s.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Mexico Wrap Up!

We spent our last full day in Mexico exploring the town of Pozos. Its a town that basically became a ghost town, but is now rebuilding itself and becoming a tourist spot. Its known for its mines, which we had a little trouble finding and gave up! haha

Like mother, like daughter:

Tim took this photo of a fake snake spitting out water!

Love the textures that Mexico has!
Another one for my Jen 🙂
My dad and mom at Casa Montana. A bed and breakfast we ate lunch at:
No camera tilt, the roads are that steep and all full of cobblestones!
The view from a different B&B:

me and Tim:
Me and my mom:
I loved these lights in the bar!
One last super cool door!
It was a super fun vacation, we saw a lot but also got to relax and get away from normal life. Now its back to work, more wedding blogs coming soon!

Ryan + Rachel

I’m slowly playing catch up on wedding blogs! This wedding is from September 1, 2007. I spent the week in Chicago socializing with old Bradley friends. On the weekend I made the trek down to Leavenworth Indiana (near Kentucky!) to shoot the wedding of Ryan and Rachel.

Rachel and I have been friends for several years now and I feel so lucky to be chosen to photograph their most important day!

Rachel’s princess dress:

I love this window can you tell?

I don’t normally post formal shots, but this was too funny not to.

Waiting for his bride:
I love how happy couples always look coming back down the aisle:

My favorite shot of the night:

Thank you Ryan and Rachel for flying me out to shoot your happy day! I had a blast!
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