September 2008 Archive

SHS Reunion

Last year I was asked to photograph South High School’s (Torrance, CA) class of 1963 45-year Reunion!  This was extra special because my mother happens to be in the graduating class! 

Since my first high school reunion is coming up in a few months (10 years already? Eeek!) it was nice to see how involved these people were, even 45 years after graduation!

My mother is the Tech-Geek of the bunch.  She made a fabulous slideshow and these name tags below.  They may not seem like much, but she spent months scanning pages from the yearbook to get these images!  She even touched them up a bit, removing blemishes, hickeys (true story!), etc. 


The rest of the committe did a fabulous job decorating, including centerpeices that were a blast from the past:

A view of the whole room, top of the Doubletree in Torrance.

And these schoolmates could dance!!!!!  The DJ was rocking oldies the whole night!

And of course, me and my Mom!  She lives outside of California, so I treasure all the time I can spend with her that I get!

Big thanks to Jen and Tim who shot the reunion with me!

I appreciate you two!!

xoxo, M

An Indian Celebrataion

Kristi Klemens asked me to cover this event for her and I jumped at the chance!  Any time I can learn about a new culture and I’m there!

On 08-08-08 I attended my first Garba.  You can see the full definition of this dance here. This takes place the night before the actual wedding and involves Mehndi, dancing and lots of food! 

I drove up to Camarillo to photograph this, here are the first two things I saw at the restaurant: 

The beautiful bride to be!

The groom’s sister applies makeup to the bride.  That is her groom next to her.

And the dancing begins!

Towards the end of the night a silly string fight broke out!  I did not get out of the way fast enough and ended up with some string on me!  

The bride wanted in on making a mess too!

One last shot before the party ended!

Kiss ~ Get Simple Seminar

Last week I was one of the lucky few that got a seat in the Kiss Seminar held by Shaun Austin and Kevin Swan.  The seminar booked up in 120 seconds so big props to Google Reader and my fast typing abilities. ha ha

The first half of the day Kevin Swan talked to us about album sales and marketing our businesses.  He is incredibly smart when it comes to business and I learned a lot. 

Shaun gave us a tour of the Kiss Warehouse and we got to see the process of how those gorgeous leather storybook albums are made!

After a fabulous lunch provided by Shootsac, Mike Larson talked to us more about business, shooting style and his infamous camera toss!

Here is Mike showing the model how he wants her to sit and explaining it to the group as well.

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Mike shooting our fabulous model Carlie Renee.  Also, please check out her other site here.  You won’t regret it.

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A few of the attendees!  The lovely lady behind the camera is my friend Ryel J and the guy chimping in front is my buddy Ahmed.  

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Mike showing Carlie where he wanted her to stand! We were in the parking lot of industrial buildings.  Nothing fabulous!

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My quick shot of Carlie!


I really felt that I had a lot in common with Mike (photography-wise) so  came back the following day to have a 1 on 1 session with him.  That’s when he told me about his 2 day workshop in Vegas this October.  I am already signed up, I can’t wait!  My friend Charise will be going with me and I’m trying to talk Ryel in to going! *hint hint*  🙂

It was an awesome time meeting new people (and seeing old friends) at the workshop!  Big thanks to Barbara Mastro for driving me up there!!

xoxo, M 



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