On Monday, I got the honor of photographing the birth of baby Rayce. This was my first ever experience with birth (other than my own, of course) and I am so glad that my friend’s Jodi and Adam trusted me to photograph this miraculous event. It was a long but rewarding day. A healthy baby boy was born at 3:59pm, weighing just over 8lbs and 20.5 inches tall. It was a very emotional moment, even I shed some tears from behind my viewfinder.
Ok, I’ll admit it. I shed some tears editing these photos today. It was an amazing experience that I am having trouble putting in to words. It definitely did not scare me off of having my own children (in the future, not anytime soon).
And thank you to Jodi for allowing me to share these special images. I have the more graphic ones on lock and key, but I want to show you the emotions that go along with the labor.
I got there early, so it was just me, Adam and Jodi for the first few hours. They had just induced her at this point.

Listening to the babies heartbeat

And the contractions start….Adam is watching the seconds hand.

And she is starting to feel them…

I got pretty good at watching this machine. It shows when she is having contractions…as if she couldn’t already tell! The top line is Rayce’s heartbeat.

The family showed up mid-day

She was still smiling between the pain

This is just 55 seconds before he was born. She pushed for under 3 minutes.

Welcome to the world!!

We had a bet going to how much he would weigh (their daughter was 9.9lbs!) I guessed 8lbs, so I was the closest!

Proud papa Adam

While everyone got their turn holding him, Jodi was texting the news to everyone else not in the room!

This is Rayce’s big sister Riyen meeting him for the first time!

I love this because Riyen is looking at Adam like, “Dad, I know what I’m doing here.”

Riyen turned to Jodi and said “I like him”

One of my favorite shots of the day.

Wow, here i go again, I have something in my eye…
Jodi and Adam (and Riyen), I am so happy for you and your healthy baby boy! I am looking forward to seeing him again next week for his newborn photos!!