I had the pleasure to shoot a 50th Anniversary open house on Sunday June 24th. The lovely couple is my Aunt Rhonda’s (married to my mom’s brother, Dave) parents. Whew, did you follow that?
Rhonda and her family did a fantastic job decorating and setting everything up! Their last name is Shell, so the theme of shells was carried through every small detail.
Cake is from Gloria’s Bakery in Escondido. The cake was so yummy, I’m going to start referring brides to this bakery!Beta fish were on every table!
Personalized M&Ms – what a great detail!
They had a display of their wedding, including her dress, her going away after the wedding dress, guest book, cards and photos!
My aunt Rhonda and Uncle Dave:
The happy couple feeding each other cake!
Thanks to the Shell extended family for treating me as your own. I had such a fun time and was so happy to be part of the festivities!
What a great looking bunch of boys, if I don’t say so myself!! Thanks Melissa for the awesome job you did of capturing wonderful family memories for my parents’ 50th anniversary party!!!
Love, Aunt Rhonda
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