Mark’s sister asked me to take some portraits of her for her husbands birthday next month. I had some free time on Mother’s Day (that’s what you get for moving so far away, Mom!) so I shot these at my in-laws house! Man, I love natural lighting!

Mark’s sister asked me to take some portraits of her for her husbands birthday next month. I had some free time on Mother’s Day (that’s what you get for moving so far away, Mom!) so I shot these at my in-laws house! Man, I love natural lighting!
So many smiling faces! Paula and Kane are so perfect for each other, and their friends and family agree!
They were married this past Saturday at Marina Village. The weather was a little chilly but but even in the cold, the love was apparant.
I loved this shot!
First dance:
Isn’t he a doll? 5 months old.
We saw Nemo!
Thanks to all who have been very supportive of me in this decision! I see bright things for my future!
We helped my good friend Derek celebrate his 24th birthday yesterday by joining him and his lovely wife Amy at dinner and a movie. Derek’s choices: Penny Lane and Spiderman 3.
Derek says to Mark at dinner “Does she always photograph events like this?”
Mark: “Always dude, always.”
Amy and the birthday boy:
Mark and Myself:
BFF’s (drinking O’Douls together..awww)
The group: