Jenny and Daniel – Coronado Engagement Photos

Meet Jenny and Daniel.  Daniel is the mastermind behind my gorgeous new branding and logo!  He is a talented guy!  If you are in the market for a new logo or any kind of design work, I highly recommend him!  Check out his website here!

I love these two.  Every time we get together we just sit and laugh for hours.  They were high school sweethearts that broke up but got back together after a few years apart. They are getting married this September!


We met in Coronado and explored new areas that I have never been to!





























Can’t wait for your wedding!

xoxo, M

  1. I love the chuck taylors! Great wide shot! That’s my favorite! If only you weren’t all the way across the country!

  2. Brandi on

    What an adorable couple. You can really see the love they have for one another. Love the warm feeling to these photos!

  3. Janice on

    Love the 9th shot where he’s bending her and going for the kiss! The second one with the light is my next fave! They are so cute together and I love the chucks with the vest! Muy bueno Melissa…love it!

  4. Zak on

    They are such a cute couple…love how tender the last shot is. 🙂

  5. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!! had a blast!!!

  6. Fun Melissa. Love her looking over his shoulder. Him out of focus. I may have to try this out. 😎 You bring good inspiration.

  7. Jenny on

    Thanks Melissa, they’re great… and thanks for putting up with our shyness 🙂 Can’t wait for you to capture the wedding (and have you there to celebrate with us!)

  8. Scott on

    Great set Mel!

  9. nataly on

    Beautiful couple! Their images are really sweet 🙂

  10. Anne on

    I think the pictures are beautiful. They really capture Jenny and Daniel’s enjoyment of each other

  11. I really like the one of them laughing against the wall. I also love 2nd to the last. It’s incredible.

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