Kyle and Amanda are engaged!

I met Amanda and Kyle in Balboa Park a few weeks back for their engagement session.  They were so adorable, I loved how Kyle looked at her in almost every photo!  They felt a bit uncomfortable in the beginning, but by the end of the hour long shoot, they were laughing and goofing off in front of my camera like pros! 


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I love Balboa and their huge doors! 
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Kyle helped me find this spot, I had never been to this part before!
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It was so hot that weekend, the park was virtually empty! Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting 
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My new favorite shooting spot!
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Love this wall.  It made an appearance in Laura and Brian’s wedding so I decided to try a different approach! Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


   I’m looking forward to Amanda and Kyle’s wedding this September!

 xoxo, M 


  1. These are SOOO awesome Mel! Wow! That door is so fun! I have been wanting to shoot there. I love these! Oh, the purple flowers too are so fun!

  2. Oooohhh, love the flower shot and the last one! Great job!

  3. Charise on

    Great shoot Melissa! Im shooting a wedding across from this park (I think) in Jan after seeing these images, I cant wait!!!

  4. rowena on

    I love all the door picts and love what you did on the last one!

  5. Good stuff Mel! I love the lines in the first!

  6. Oooh! I LOVE your new spot! I gotta find that place!!! Great shoot, Melissa!


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