Kyle and Ann are engaged!

It’s been quite a few months since I shot an engagement session and during the drive to Balboa Park, I was worried that I would be a little rusty. Turns out, it’s kinda like riding a bike.

Well, it also helps when your couple could double as underwear models! Wowzers!!

Ann and Kyle will be married Thanksgiving weekend at the gorgeous Prado in Balboa Park.



Those babies are bright blue in color…Yum!



Here is where we ran in to the fabulous Melissa Koehler shooting bridal portraits!  It’s so fun when I see photographers I know around town 🙂






There were some amazing colors tonight in the sky!


I’m so looking forward to your wedding in November!

xoxo, M

  1. We’re so excited by these! We might be shooting an engagement session there next year. That or La Jolla Beach. Haven’t decided yet. So thanks for the inspiration!! 😀 Maybe we can hook up if we get out there!!! 😀 Awesome last one btw, fav!

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE these! What a beautiful couple! You captured some amazing shots!!

  3. Wow! Amazing colors on the last couple! I love the first one! Beautiful job!

  4. Just gorgeous!! I love these. The last two are so awesome with the colors you got!
    It was so great seeing you!!!

  5. Ann on

    Mel, thank you so much for these beautiful memories. The photos are more than I hoped for and full of emotion and love. I am so grateful for them. Again, thank you so much!
    Ann & Kyle

  6. Y’know, I was just talking to Adam last night right before our bible study about how the colors in the sky were AMAZING. Those last two shots are so amazing. So many rich colors! 🙂

  7. Kristen on

    I think being a little “rusty” is a good thing. Makes you think out of the box and do some things out of your normal comfort zone. Love this shoot. You did great and you are lucky to have such a hot couple.

  8. Ryel j on

    I love the shot with the fern leaves. These are so beautiful!!

  9. Aaron on

    Awesome!!! LOVE the last one!

  10. Jessica on

    These are GREAT MEL! I especially love 3, 8 and the last one!

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