Baby Kross in the hospital

My good friend and wedding coordinator Eve Harrison of Ooh La La Wedding Touches and her darling husband Marvin had their 2nd little bundle of joy show up the day after Christmas!  Big brother Shay wasn’t allowed in the hospital, so he isn’t in any of the photos, but you can see their cute family here.

Baby Kross is so adorable and was so calm when I met him at 12 hours old!  Take a peek 🙂

Big hugs and Congrats to the Harrison Family!

xoxo, M

  1. Cuuute! Such a fresh newborn! :O Wow.

  2. Danielle on

    OMG, these pictures definitely deserve a huge SQUEE!! So cute!

  3. Lori on

    These are so beautiful. What a precious gift!

  4. Gorgeous baby & gorgeous pictures! Awesome job on all of them 😀

  5. nely on

    awww. what a sweet session. makes me almost want another baby.

  6. I’m jealous of you. What fun to photograph a family in their first hours with their precious newborn child. These are great!!!

  7. Lauren P on

    Just precious, lady! Totally fresh out! Well done 🙂

  8. Jackie on

    wow, love these pics! What precious moments!

  9. Milisa on

    #5 is my favorite! So cute!

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