The Chapp Family

I was so excited when I found out Jodi and Adam were expecting their 2nd child this year! Jodi and I have known each other for almost 10 years now!

I met them at Lake Poway for some family and belly shots!



I hadn’t seen Riyen in a about a year…she has gotten so big!  She will be 3 this November!

She loves it when Daddy throws her way up in the air!

I had so much fun with you guys, it was great to catch up and chat!  Enjoy the photos!xoxo, M

  1. Tiffany on

    I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the second one!! The one where dad is throwing the little girl up is adorable too!
    Great job. =)
    As always!!

  2. what a cutie that little girl is, looks like she could also be such a great big sister

  3. Great shots Melissa! Looks like you guys had too much fun, and we hope to see pics of the new baby when he or she arrives!

  4. Amy on

    What a cutie!

  5. Lynn Dao on

    That is an awesome last shot of her in the air!!!

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