Catching Up!
Its been a lazy week! I am finally feeling better today, 6 days post surgery. I was told my recovery would be quick, but it lasted a little longer than I had planned. But I guess thats not something you really plan…is it?

Thanks to Tim’s camera phone, he got this just minutes before wheeling me in to the operating room. Lovely, I know.

My parents live in a different country, so they didn’t take the long trip. (It’s cool, you can make it up to me next time I have major surgery, Mom. just joking) Of course Jen and her boys came in their absence.

I do have a nice size extended family in the area. My sister “from another mister” Beza came Monday night to check on me. She brought this beautiful bouquet (I love the colors!):

And on Tuesday, my gracious Aunt Rhonda called ahead and found out that I was having horrible bouts of nausea. She brought 7Up, saltine crackers (my life-saver!), a balloon and these beautiful tulips:

And for a little pick-me-up:

When the oppurtunity came from a photo buddy, Daniel Balboa to buy his old 50mm 1.4, I took it! Lucky for me, Daniel was upgrading to the 1.2.

Thank you to everyone who expressed your concern during my sick time off. I plan to be back in full swing after resting this weekend.



  1. jen harris on

    Can’t wait to see some images with that 1.4!!!!

  2. Cindy Lowe on

    oh my goodness…I hope you’ll be fully recovered soon! <3

  3. katy on

    Glad to hear that you’re recovering, and that you got the 50 1.4… I love that lens 🙂 You’re not going to be able to put it down.

  4. Nataly Lemus on

    I’m wishing you a speedy recovery!!! I can’t wait for you to feel better so I can see some images with suh-weet lens!

  5. Gina on

    Melissa, I haven’t had time to do my blog check ins and just read this…had no idea you were ill. Hope things are much better and best wishes for a speedy recovery so you can get back to taking some more winning photos!

  6. Daniel on

    Sorry I missed all the excitement lately. I’ve been out of town. Oh and the 50 mm. I feel like I never said a proper good bye. Please give the 1.4 a hardy hug and take it into your house as if it was your own. It has saved my butt many times and I know it will save yours too. I’ve taken good care of it so it took good care of me. So do like wise and I’m sure it will love you with much enthusiasm. Remember feed it lots of light and groom its UV filter with a soft brush. If you need its paperwork to prove its a pure bread then let me know. Some people need proof of conception.
    Love you both and hope you feel better.
    Daniel Balboa

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