Future Melissa

My 10 year high school reunion was this past November. I was busy shooting a wedding that night but snuck out for the last hour of it at Pala Mesa.  I saw some familiar faces, most of whom I hadn’t seen in, well, 10 years!

Back in 1998 our ASB had us write a letter to ourselves and they were given out at the reunion. My friend Amy didn’t know I was coming so she grabbed mine and took it home.  I just got it in the mail the other day.  What a trip!  

I had written a little bit about myself back then (who my friends were, some strong beliefs I had).  I also included what I want to accomplish in the last 10 years.  A lot of it was eerily  close to what my life is now.  I didn’t predict having my own business, but I still wanted to be in the photography field.  I mentioned being married and having kids.  Half of that is true!  I named off 4 people that I would still be in contact with and it is true w

ith all but one person!  Pretty trippy.

My best friend Nichole turned me on to a website that does this sort of thing for you!  You write an email to a future you and decide when you want it sent!  I think Nichole does this on a yearly basis.  I wrote one to myself to receive in 5 years from today.  I highly recommend visiting FutureMe.org and writing yourself a note for the future!  Trust me, you will thank me in about 10 years! 😉



And of course, I had to include an embarrassing photo of myself from high school!!

I’m on the right side and my best friend Allison is on the left, this is the day we graduated!   Allison and I are still close friends, she has made a few appearances on my blog recently!  (sorry for the bad scan! Haven’t hooked up my new printer/scanner yet!)





1 Comment
  1. nataly on

    What a cool website. I have to try it!

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