The Best Cupcakes and a Road Trip!

How lucky am I that I book a wedding 2 hours from home and then proceed to book another the day before, one town over! Sounds like a Workcation (that would be a Work/Vacation – just made it up) to me!
Friday morning, Tim and I headed to Old Town Pasadena and checked in to our hotel. We only had a few hours before wedding #1 so we went to lunch next to our hotel. On the way there I was busy gabbing on my phone. Once we were inside Tim says to me, I can’t believe you didn’t notice the cupcake store that we walked by. I couldn’t believe it either! A whole store dedicated to cupcakes and I didn’t even smell it?!?
Needless to say we stopped by after (and for the next day – they are closed Sundays) to try out their product! The shop is called Dots and from what I can see they are only in Pasadena, in 2 locations.
The cute boxes they come in, below. Those non-color dots on the box are extra – they are authentic rain drops!!

Day one I had the Red Velvet and Tim had Apple Pie.Day two (pictured below) I had Chocolate Mint and Tim had Hostess.Overall I think both our favorites were the Red Velvet!

And of course an embarrassing shot of me enjoying my prize. Nice hair, I know.

Thanks for letting me ramble on about cupcakes. It is a passion you know.
On another note, I am leaving for Las Vegas today for an awesome workshop with Mike Larson. I am super excited and will get to hang with my buddy Charise for the next few days!
Internet may be non-existent in the hotel, so if I don’t get back to you right away don’t panic! I will be home Wednesday night!
Enjoy your week everyone!!!

  1. Mmm cupcakes… they look delish!

  2. You made me crave some chocolate sweets with milk. Off to go find some to indulge in.

  3. omgs… that looks like SO MUCH YUM!

  4. I know about that DOT cupcake store…mmm. Have fun in Vegas!

  5. Lucy on

    I love your blog.

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