Australia – Part 3: Sydney and the Blue Mountains (and Koalas!)

This blog covers our sightseeing in Sydney!  It was quite a bit larger than Melbourne, but I loved that you can walk almost anywhere you want to go!  The first night we got there, we walked all over the areas around our hotel, including the Friday night Chinatown Market!

The next day, Brenda went to climb the Harbour bridge and I set out to explore Hyde Park.  Below in the background is St Mary’s Cathedral which you will see more of in my final blog (Brenda’s trash the dress!)


I really wanted to check out the Barrack’s museum which was the jail (among other things) back in the day!


A view from inside the museum


Love this view from Maquarie’s Point!


And of course the city skyline!  Our hotel was just below that skinny tower thing (Sydney Tower) on the left side!


Sunday morning we walked around The Rocks but kept getting caught in downpours!  We took refuge for awhile under the Harbour Bridge!


Monday’s adventures took us to Manly Beach via a Ferry.  It rained off and on all day, but when we got there, we only saw blue skies! 


Brenda captured this shot of me checking out the water – it was cold!




We went on a small bush walk on the edge of Manly






Our last day in Australia, my photographer friend Cathy Crawley drove us up to the Blue Mountains!  The drive was amazing, since it’s Autumn there, the colors were in full bloom!  

Below is the road through the mountain!


We don’t see this kind of color in So Cal!


I adore this shot Cathy got of me!


After seeing the gorgeous leaves changing, we got to the famous Echo Point to see the 3 Sisters.  It was so overcast and rainy that we almost couldn’t see anything!  You can see how bad it really was in this shot I got of Cathy below!!


Cathy’s son Ben came along with us.  I adore these next two photos I shot of him, I had to post both of them!  I couldn’t decide which I liked better 🙂



The trip was coming to a close and I still had yet to see a kangaroo or koala!  So we went to a Wildlife Park on the way home and made some new friends!


What’chu lookin at?


This cracks me up!  This Wallby was so BUFF!  We were trying to act buff to make it feel normal.  


Meat Pies are a staple in Australia and this is the place to get them in Sydney!  


One last shot of this gorgeous view!!


Well that was the (very) quick synopsis of our awesome trip!  One more blog from Sydney and I will be done!

xoxo, M

  1. Looks like so much fun Melissa! I love the shot when you were hiding under the bridge!

  2. Cortney on

    LOVE THEM!! The baby kangaroo is soo cute!

  3. The koala and wallaby shots are priceless! Now I need to go to Australia for some adventure 🙂

  4. Brenda on

    As always.. fabulous, fabulous, fabulous… so GOOD you are at capturing it ALL. That shot of the Koala is great, when are you unpacking him so we can take him out & about town? LOL! I can’t even pick a fave!

  5. Milisa on

    So awesome! Looks like you had an amazing time!

  6. Yay, fun times! I loved showing you girls around, I hope one day to get over your way and maybe you can show me your favorite places in SD 🙂

  7. Charise on

    love all of the Australia images Mel! Looks like you girls had an AMAZING time!!!

  8. WOW. traveling is sooo fun, and you have some great captures. Love that last shot, it’s a postcard, AWESOME!

  9. David on

    I want to go to AussieWorld… 🙁

  10. emily on

    dear melissa,
    love the photos!!! especially you hangin’ tough with the wallaby!
    please bring me a koala. =)
    love, your friend, emily

  11. Charles H, Nillos on

    Hope to see more picture views of Australia. Thank you.

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