Washington DC – Cherry Blossom Portraits of Mr & Mrs A

Mr A has decided he likes his role as International Mystery Man too much and wanted to stay anonymous on my blog….ooh so mysterious…

Instead you get to stare at the beautiful face of my best friend, Ann Marie!  The whole point of going to DC in March was to visit during the cherry blossom blooms!  So of course I wanted to take some portraits of a gorgeous couple!  Hope you enjoy these few teasers I can show you!

Love you two! Thanks for your hospitality!!

xoxo, M

  1. Sara on

    Love, love, love. And I love that Mr A stayed anonymous! I feel privileged to know the face that actually hides behind AM’s curls.

  2. Kathy on

    These are so incredible! I just love them!

  3. AM on

    I ain’t never been blogged before! I feel so honored. Thank you so much for humoring us with a portrait session! I am totally looking forward to your yearly visits.

  4. Danielle on

    Oooh! So mysterious! Did you plan to take shots with his face obscured for the blog? These are so amazing I can only imagine how quacktastic the rest of them are!

  5. Kristi on

    I love these. I don’t really know you Melissa, but I’m am always impressed by your photography. 🙂

  6. What an awesome backdrop! Cute couple too!

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