Junior and Yvette are engaged!

I had a blast exploring downtown San Diego tonight with Junior and Yvette!  We started the evening at Red Circle bar, where their love story began!  Junior was working as a DJ and Yvette was the hot blonde that brought him candy at their first meeting.


After the club, we trekked to find this rad graffiti wall!  Turns out Junior used to live just a few blocks from here.   This is my personal favorite from the session 🙂  It makes me smile.

Loving the shoes!

So sweet.

This shot below was taken by my buddy and awesome photog, Aaron of AS Photography who came along to help me out with some lighting that you see in the club above.

Chasing some yummy golden light!

Last stop was City College’s campus

Thanks to Aaron for helping out, including parking my car while we jumped out to shoot! You rock!

Yvette and Junior, I’m looking forward to your wedding in January!!



  1. Gina on

    What a cool set, these look so fun and I love the shoe shot!

  2. Cheyenne on

    LOVE THEM ALL!!! Your fave shot is mine too…. love all the bright colors! Awesome!

  3. Christina on

    Yea! They finally got what they deserve! Fantastic!

  4. Absolutely gorgeous!!! Amazing work!

  5. Oooo I love the wall with the lamps on it. Neat place!

    And yah…her shoes RULE.

  6. Aaron on

    Thanks for having me…lots of fun!!! Awesome job with the photos!

  7. serena on

    love the shot of the shoes!

  8. Girl these are rockin! I love their outfits! What a cute couple. You got some awesome shots! I really love how you captured their love together. You can really see it in the photos! Beautiful!

  9. Brenda on

    These are FABULOUS- such a siren she is! The grafitti wall is pretty hot too.

  10. hot session! 🙂 congrats on the new site & blog, melissa!

  11. This session rocks! The shoes, the shades, the tat’s, and even the wall murals…love it all. Nice set girlie.

  12. Yvette(Future Mrs Disco Punk): Your e-pics turned out AWESOME! I can’t wait to see how your wedding pics turn out :)JenChris
    Melissa…great e-session! I think my fave is the graffiti pic…too hard to choose just one 🙂

  13. Charise on

    Great session! I love that graffiti wall! And also love your fav, great capture.

  14. Ryel j on

    This location rocks!! I love how you capture her eyes!! They’re blessed for sure.

  15. Jessica on

    awesome, love the graffiti wall photos!

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