I’m almost embarrased to admit how far behind on blogging I am! But I am making an effort now to catch up after my week away in Oregon.
Planning the entry…
The church was located in Escondido…love it when the wedding is just down the road!I love this stolen moment of the two:
The bride surprised her husband by seranading him to Michael Buble’s Everything. She had a great voice!
Both the bride and groom are very religious, so I love this moment during the dinner prayer.
I highly suggest a shoe change for the reception! How cute! The groomsmen doing their job!
Me and Michele:So I saved this image for last…this is Karina’s 90 something grandmother. She left a bit early but not before getting down on the dance floor. Right here, and I swear I am not making this up, she is showing Karina how to “Lean like a Cholo”. I just had to share that with you!
melissa i love the picture of the guys writing on the car! great capture!
that last shot is priceless! love the windshield shot, very creative melissa!!
Lean like a cholo!!!! 😀
Great Job, Melissa!
Hey Melissa! Love all the creative pictures. The vans are so cute, but nothing tops grandma.
Superb pictures, any tips on how to get such good results?,