Ready for 2008!

My first Christmas with the Selenak family 🙂 I’ll have one more before I officially become a Selenak myself!

The man of the house, Conner! He belongs to Tim’s brother and sister-in-law:
Tim and his nephew:
My contribution was the chocolate rice krispie treats in the front:
Jacie (Tim’s neice) opening her American Girl doll. She named her Abby.
Jacie, Melissa (Tim’s sister) and Abby:
I hope you all had a wonderful day and spent time with your family or friends! 2007 is almost over, which I am thankful for. Business-wise it was a fantastic year. On a personal level, I went through a lot of heartbreak with the loss of a family member and an old friend. I have a lot of positive feelings and hopes for 2008!


1 Comment
  1. Dawn Malone on

    Happy New Year Mel! You have a lot to look forward to!

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