Andrew and Deborah – San Marcos Wedding Photography

Photos by Mandi Contreras


Back in June, Mandi photographed a gorgeous backyard wedding in San Marcos.  That sounds quaint, but the home of the grooms parents was absolutely gorgeous!  They live on a horse ranch and they obviously take a lot of pride in having a stunning home.

Deborah is from Ireland and many of the guests came overseas for the wedding, including the adorable red head flower girl!

I totally love this shot below that Mandi’s assistant, Dylan captured!

Front row seats!

Another sneaky capture by Dylan below!

Andrew and his dad restore old cars…how fun that they got to shoot with them!

The Heroes kept the party going until past midnight!

Congrats you two, what a lovely wedding!

xo, M

Mandi Contreras is an associate photographer for Melissa McClure Photography.  To contact her directly, email

  1. Helena on

    I love all of the photos. Great job, Mandi! xoxo

  2. so cute! love the shot of the horses in the stable!

  3. Great job Mandi! LOOOOVE the tree photo!

  4. Danielle on

    WOW! Great pictures! I can’t stop checking out the engagement ring – how unique and cool! Great shot to put it with the little car! (Or do they have giant fingers? Hahaha)

  5. Your site is amazing! These photos are outstanding. It was a pleasure seeing this artistic work.

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