David and Carrie – Loew’s Coronado

Carrie couldn’t stop smiling the entire day. Even the late bouquets and warm weather couldn’t ruin her upbeat attitude. Just being around her made a person smile. And no one smiled quite as big as David! These two were laughs the entire day.

A BIG thank you to Kim of Kim Irons Photography for asking me to shoot with you on this happy day!

The whole wedding took place at Loew’s hotel in Coronado.  I loved this place!  It was my first time there.




Some down time before the ceremony


David laughing it up with his best man


Carrie even laughed when her dad stepped on her veil and pulled her head back!


Instead of Carrie taking David’s (long and hard to pronounce East African) last name, they created their own last name from part of David’s mother’s maiden name!  What a neat idea!

Down to the beach for some group shots!


I joked to the guys that they should throw her up in the air…they didn’t really do it, but she thought they were going to!










Party time!  Grand entrance was a lot of fun!


During the toasts, she couldn’t keep her eyes off of him!



The raddest cake toppers!!!



DJ Joe of JMC Events kept the dance floor packed all night!

Cutie flower girls!!

Good luck to Carrie and David on your new life together in Arizona!

Check out Kim’s Blog for a teaser from this wedding!


  1. Awesome! Lovin’ what I see here! 🙂

  2. Kasey on

    Wow! These are gorgeous 🙂

  3. Melissa! These are stunning! Really, what a fabulous set of images! Rock on!

  4. I think this is one of your best sets yet. Great job Melissa! Looks like a beautiful venue too!

  5. Aaron on

    Back lit shot is killer!!! And love the emotion in the ceremony shots. Looks like you had a lot of fun. See you tomorrow!!!

  6. Cheryl S. on

    I love these! The ones with the silhouettes are my favorite!

  7. Charise on

    These look great Melissa! Love the one ones on the beach. They both look SOOO HAPPY! Awesome captures.

  8. Lauren on

    What a phenomenal wedding! I love how joyful she looks in every image 🙂

  9. Melissa your are awesome… great photography and love that shot with bride and groom holding hands and looking at each other.

  10. Jessica on

    These are stunning Mel! I love the ones of them in the grass…so beautiful

  11. Lovely work, Melissa! The lighting for the B&G portraits was just awesome. Classic, beautiful shots. Nice work!

  12. Carrie Wolde ab on

    Melissa!!! We just saw these and I had tears in my eyes! I am speechless…they turned out amazing! Thank you so much for being so wonderful and for ALL the wonderful photo’s, which are lasting memories!!

  13. Keith & Doris Davis on

    A beautiful coverage of the wedding. Will there be further pictures that include the parents and grandparents? We are the grandparents on Carrie’s mothers side. We are also very interested in photos that include David’s family. Thank you again for the great coverage!!! Keith & Doris

  14. Christy Owens on

    I LOVE the pictures! They couldn’t be more beautiful and David and Carrie couldn’t be a more perfect couple!!

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